Red Compartida reaches more than 47 million people: ALTÁN starts commercial operations in Tampico, Torreón and Culiacán | ALTÁN Redes

Red Compartida reaches more than 47 million people: ALTÁN starts commercial operations in Tampico, Torreón and Culiacán

3 September, 2019

  • Tampico, Torreón and Culiacán, together with their conurbation areas, now have the 4.5G connectivity of Red Compartida. 
  • The three commercial launches together reach more than 2 million 442,000 inhabitants, of which more than 494,000 are located in towns of less than 10,000 inhabitants, including 95 populations of “high” and “very high” marginalization.
  • In total, the national coverage spot of ALTÁN Redes covers more than 47 million people (+42% of the total population of Mexico) by the end of August, in 21 markets, 39 Pueblos Mágicos and more than 3,200 locations of “high” and “very high” marginalization.


CDMX, August 29, 2019. – ALTÁN Redes, the Mexican company responsible for the deployment and operation of Red Compartida -the country’s wholesale mobile broadband Network- has started its commercial operation in new markets of northern Mexico: Tampico, Torreón, and Culiacán, as well as its urban and rural areas, now have 4.5G Network coverage. 

The commercial launch of these three markets jointly reaches more than 2 million 442,000 inhabitants, including more than 494,000 people in populations of less than 10,000 inhabitants.

The three markets are added to the recent launches that ALTÁN has made in its task of reaching 50% of the population of the country, three months ahead of the established in its deployment calendar.

It is important to highlight that Red Compartida has a high sense of social inclusion so, in addition to the quality obligations that require the Network to offer the best benefits for end-users, it must reach 92.2% of the population by 2024 (and at least 15% must be located in populations of less than 10,000 inhabitants). 

Under this precept, 20.2% of the three states’ coverage is located in populations of less than 10,000 inhabitants, which exceeds by 5% ALTÁN’s commitment to deploy the Network in rural areas.

In these three states (Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Sinaloa), 95 populations classified with “high” and “very high” marginalization, have also been covered with 4.5G Internet; locations that without Red Compartida would continue with a deficient or null connectivity to surf the Internet from a fixed device at home or business, or from mobile devices.


A national Network in full commercial operation and high technical performance

With the recent launches, Red Compartida currently provides commercial service to more than 42% of the country’s population: 47 million people (of which almost 9 million are located in populations of less than 10,000 inhabitants); 21 markets, 39 Pueblos Mágicos and more than 3,200 locations of “high” and “very high” marginalization.

By the end of October 2019, the 50% population of the country will be reached: about 60 million people (more than 11.5 million in populations of less than 10,000 inhabitants) with the connectivity of the LTE mobile Network of ALTÁN.  

With this deployment, the broadband Internet access coverage goals are advanced and competition in the market is promoted, objectives established for Red Compartida by the Government of Mexico, which will help to bring Internet to everyone.


About ALTÁN Redes

Mexican private company that develops and operates Red Compartida, the most important telecommunications network in recent years in Mexico. It is a modern mobile broadband network of wholesale, neutral and non-discriminatory type, in the 700 MHz band, which will increase the coverage of the most advanced 4G-LTE services to at least 92.2% of the Mexican population. Red Compartida is developed through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with the Government of Mexico, which contributes decisively to reduce the digital gap, bringing the Internet to those who need it most and increasing competition in the market for the benefit of end-users of telecommunications services. 


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